Even the plainest thing you sell

Will sound sexy as hell

I craft unignorable words and campaigns your customers can actually relate to. Say bye to late hours marketing your business. Get results that won't bust your budget way faster than with traditional agencies.

Everything under the sun (almost)

Things I can help you with

Website & UX copy

Email marketing

Blogs & articles

Nurturing campaigns

A lot more

See for yourself

Explore the work I'm most proud of

Blueberry's marketing powerhouse
Brand Marketing, Internal Comms, Copy & Content Creation

For two years, I co-led communications and brand marketing at Blueberry Creatives. I raised their profile and made their message strong. Clients heard it. Talent too.

Every day was new. I worked with senior colleagues to push the brand and improve workflows. I did strategy, social media, email campaigns, website maintenance, team training, the list goes on.

Performance and strategy

We built a new website. I project managed it, coordinating between external designers and our managing director. It was the kind of work you learn a lot from. I also optimized internal processes, streamlining collaboration and consolidating our tech stack. Yearly costs fell by a third while quality and efficiency stayed the same, if not better.

Content creation

I rebuilt two newsletters from the ground up. Open rates quadrupled in just four months and click-through rates more than doubled within a year from launch. Besides emails, social media was my duty too. I created four hundred pieces across four platforms. I made them count. Short, sharp, to the point. Each post a punch. Our social engagement rate went up by 500% in 18 months.


Core part of my work was making things look good. Trade mags features, emails, event graphics and more. I aimed for lean, typography-driven designs. I also wrote branding guidelines to make future content look consistent.

Within a year of my arrival, 99% of the Blueberry brand adopted a new design language developed for us by an external studio. I facilitated this transition. The templates I built made new stuff easier to read and pictures stood out. But you could still play around with layouts and copy. It’s work I’m very prod of. You can see more of my designs for Blueberry here.

Yearly cost reduction (avg) without impacting quality
Increase in social media impressions over 1.5 years
Growth in email open rates across two newsletters⁠
Amplifying student stories at Greenwich
Strategy, Copywriting, Photography, Graphic Design, Internal Comms

COVID shook up UK universities in 2020. So when the chance came up to support pandemic-related projects for the Film and TV programmes at the University of Greenwich, I didn't hesitate.

With everyone in lockdown, we needed to keep the spirit alive. I helped showcase student work and share what the industry was up to. As the screens became our classrooms and event spaces, we kept people talking. It wasn't easy, but we adapted. And the stories I shared, real stories of students and staff, built trust in the FTV brand as a leader in film education. I put them on the map. I made them proud, and that made me very proud in return.


  • Working with the Communications team, I wrote PR articles and internal updates. The community grew as we connected students and changed the way the Greenwich FTV brand was perceived.

  • I brought the FTV Instagram account back to life after it had been quiet for years. The followers came and kept coming. Every month we were reaching 10% more people on Instagram alone. We created a strong following that now regularly interacts with the account.

  • I ran and promoted a series of online webinars. We shared the inspiring stories of filmmakers and industry professionals discussing skills, film education and employment.

  • I shoot behind the scenes, created promotional content and co-developed a social media campaign for a practice-led research project. We taught people about Virtual Production and showed the industry why student filmmakers need VP training.

UoG Galleries and its creative melting pot
Project Facilitation, Content Editing, Event Marketing

Early in my career I had the privilege of working at the University of Greenwich Galleries. Over two years, I helped deliver more than 50 exhibitions, events and charity initiatives focusing on internal communications and local marketing. Working across departments, I produced content that helped to attract students, academics, local residents and tourists to our spaces and events.

I curated one exhibition, New Alunmi '19, and helped many other curators make their shows happen. Hundreds of artist biographies and dozens of press releases passed by my screen before finding their way into exhibition listings or brochures, for example. I also produced all sorts of designs. Signage. Posters. Newsletter graphics. It was a training ground for my skills in communication design.

The university was a crucible. Art and design surrounded me, and I found myself working with hundreds of curators, exhibitors, academics and technicians. This work ultimately shaped me. As a designer. A marketer. A person. Its lessons stick and guide me even now as I tackle clients' briefs.

University of Greenwich Galleries website

@uoggalleries on Instagram


Events and exhibitions promoted and facilitated


Hours dedicated to project success

Not the skills you were looking for?

There's more I can do

I've worked across industries on everything from communication design to events, exhibitions, and project facilitation (plus more).

Check out my web design and low-code development services or browse my full portfolio to get a feel for what's possible.


What counts in my work

Truth in marketing

I don't want to lie. I believe in marketing that says what a product does in the most positive and honest way. Ethical marketing communicates value with no need for fine print. That's how I build trust and get results.


My work is more about helping you build lasting customer relationships than earning you a quick buck. Every word and campaign I present puts your customers first. That's how you build loyalty and long-term success.

Asynchronous first

Limiting synchronous work such as meetings, lets me deliver great results without sacrificing work-life balance. Plus, working remotely means I can partner with top talent and bring in extra expertise whenever needed.

Question everything

Asking questions lets me determine the best way to help each client. Questions make space for better solutions, and real progress happens when we stand in that space willing to rethink what's been done before.

Have a question?

I got answers

It's awkward, isn't, to talk about money and how we do business? Well, that's why I've taken all those tricky questions and answered them in a page. No dodging the issue.


How we get from 0 → 1


Made it this far? You brave soul. If you're ready to find out how I can help, book a free informal chat and bring all your questions. No pressure to commit.

Kick off

If we're a good fit, I'll have you fill out a questionnaire to clarify the brief and request a 50% deposit. Once that's settled, we'll hop on a kick-off meeting to map things out and get to work.


I'll update you as the collaboration progresses. If the work doesn't live up to your vision, I'll make it right with a revision. Every contract includes at least one.


The work is done and you can start watching your business grow. Are you pleased with the results and want to keep working together? You'll get 20% off your first month's retainer.

Need something done?

Book a free introductory call

Let's meet to chat about your project and see if we're a good fit. No strings attached, pinky promise.